
  • Address: Kyiv Str. Medovaya 1
  • Administration: (044) 451-83-24
  • Excursions: 10:00 - 15:00
    (044) 406-79-44; (093) 858-27-13
  • E-mail:
  • Director: Valeriya Lavrenko

The State Aviation Museum named after O.K. Antonov at 1 Medova Street is temporarily closed.

If you have any questions about cooperation, please send a written request to The request should contain, as far as possible, full substantive information. You can expect a response to your request the next business day.

How to get

  • Bus №22, which follows to the "Museum of Aviation", from the metro stations Demiivska, Slavutich, Osokorky, Poznyaky, Kharkivska to the final stop.
  • Or use the Google Maps