Regulations of behavior
In order to preserve visitor’s life and health in our Museum, the integrity of exhibits and exhibition funds, equipment of cabins and salons, ground support and exhibition area is

Strictly prohibited:
- go through the fences installed on the territory and in the restoration area;
- breaking and spoiling the exhibits, and putting any lettering or graphics anywhere on the teretory;
- climb on exhibits, ladders and stairs without the permission of the museum, don’t allow children to touch or climb the exhibits;
- using airport ground equipment;
- running and jumping on exhibits and inside the cabin, be careful of protruding structural elements;
- leave children unattended;
- bring firearms and sharp weapons, explosives, chemical and toxic substances, flammable liquids and objects;
- the use of firework,
- the use technical and other facilities that affect flight safety;
- bringing animals;
- taking professional photo and video without prior coordination from the administration of the museum (considered a professional survey, performed using a tripod, an external source of light, microphones and other equipment);
- organize and conduct unauthorized meetings and demonstrations (political, promotions, commercial and other activities).
- beeng intoxicated;
- disrupting other visitors;
- smoking and the making of fire;
- swimming in the lake;
- littering.
Those who brake the rules of conduct in the State museum of aviation, can be escorted outside of the Museum by security service or law enforcement. In these cases admission is none refundable.
If a person damages anything of the museum grounds, they are responsible for the cost of reparations. In case of disagreement, court action will be taken in accordance to legislation of Ukraine.
Attention! These premises are under constant video surveillance!